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[미정] bliss TKL https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=104958.0 [IC] bliss tkl What is pp full plate? It’s prolly some sort of plastic but I can’t stop laughing. What do you mean by desk saver? Is it because of the thin bezels and the 0.25u gap between the f row, alphas, and nav cluster? Or is it something else? Pretty board, goo geekhack.org
[미정] Eclipse 70% Keyboard https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=104755.0 [IC] Eclipse - 70% gasket mount keyboard (Updating design) Also, while this is a small detail, I've always had better luck with strips of rubber on the bottom of the case rather than small rounds. For example all Rama Works boards that I can think of and the NovelKeys NK65 have two strips of rubber running the len geekhack.org
[미정] Triviumtek https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=107364.0 [IC] Triviumtek - Weaven Round 3 I love the build concept of the Weaven, but I don't think I'd be too comfortable on a 60%. imo, seeing a new layout like a 65%, or even a "comact 660" like the Think6.5 would be nice, without requiring drastic changes to the existing design. geekhack.org
[미정] Hailey SS 75% Keyboard https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=103277.0 [IC] Hailey — SS 75% I think it would be nice if there were some branding somewhere on the board, even if subtle or not immediately visible. Establish your brand! My personal opinion is that it makes a difference, people pay a lot of money for labels on their clothes that no geekhack.org
[미정] Arc80 TKL https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=100816.0 [IC] Arc80: Gasket TKL Keyboard by Demo & Airpotter Interesting design overall, I can see inspirations from Canoe and SKOG here and there. Any exploded view available? Seems like the colored piece is the plate? But then the green on the side in the 3rd picture is confusing, almost looks like the green is pa geekhack.org
[9.1 ~ ] Fox Lab - Time 80 Reforged https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=107276.0 [IC] Fox Lab - Time 80 Reforged Absolutely interested count me in, this looks beautiful. I’d really love to see a titanium and copper options myself for weight and plate. The titanium plates on the key65 were spot on, I own a few. As for color, I’d love to see dark green/olive green geekhack.org
[미정] Vega 65% keyboard https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=106983.0 [IC] Vega - Gasket seamless screwless 65% keyboard I am in, absolutely. Love the white one! I experienced Polaris from my friend, it is with great acoustic and so sleek. Having been waiting for this so far, Vega looks even better. geekhack.org
[미정] The Adélie 50% Keyboard https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=105185.0 [IC] The Adélie - Premium 50%+ Keyboard | Prototypes Ordered Good layout. As a left thumb space user, I appreciate the larger 2.75u space key being on the left side; however, you might want to support the inverse option as well for people who prefer to input space with their right hand. Also, any chance that centere geekhack.org
[미정] Pulse 60% Keyboard https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=106643.0 [IC] Pulse 60% - UPDATE (HHKB, WKL and Plates) Love the design! Would really love to see a WKL top! Also some more layout options is a must for a 60%. Tsangan/WKL bottom row, split R shift, & split BS should definitely be offered. Anyways GL with the IC, I filled the form out with my suggestions. geekhack.org
[미정] AKI-S 65% Keyboard https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=104703.0 [IC] AKI-S 65% | GB details update [9th July] Will accent & case colours be sold as a set? Or will everyone be free to choose their own colour pairings? Interested to know how many accent colours will be avail, I'd imagine offering too many would be a logistical nightmare. geekhack.org